Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Flood sculptures & doomed tadpoles

The tadpoles were in this shallow pocket on the sunbathing rock on Babb Creek at Landrus. They couldn't have been there long, cos we'd only had so much rain and the time before when i was there (2 weeks perhaps) there was no water in those pockets. So, we used an empty bottle to add some fresh water to the pockets from the creek, possibly giving those little guys a chance.

The "sculptures" were a log i found upstream from the big rock. It had a bunch of flood debris caught up in it, but there was this little pocket with the two stones that i just loved. The composition of the whole thing turned out nice. Thanks nature. To see some more photos of this go to http://pictures.insanart.com/landrus. There are a whole bunch of these types of things on the creek right around Landrus that i need to photograph.

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